It was October 24th, 1891, that Dr. John Watson heard from
Sherlock Holmes for the first time in four months. At the urging of
Mrs. Hudson, in the form of a telegram, the Doctor returned to his
former lodgings at 221b Baker Street.
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Alison Leggatt is Mrs. Hudson. |
Delighted to see her former
tenant, the landlady informs him that Holmes has taken to his rooms,
refusing food and keeping the oddest of hours. A shout comes down;
Holmes is ranting about Moriarty, a name Watson has only heard when
his friend is in the grip of his habitual vice. Opening the door to
the chain, a frantic Holmes questions the identity of his caller.
Only the true Watson* would
know... where does Holmes keep his tobacco?. (*And, of course, every
reader of The Strand.)
On admission, Holmes
brandishes his revolver, and inquires whether Watson knows of
Moriarty. He does not. Undeterred, feverish, Sherlock rounds on the
Doctor – insisting it adds to the genius of the thing; the man
pervades London, the Western world even and no-one knows the name...
he is his nemesis, his evil
Holmes has a vision; a small child
climbs the stair in an old house. Shaking himself free of this
peculiar image, Holmes pulls open then rejects a drawer containing
several ominous small bottles. Clearly concerned for Holmes'
well-being and health, Watson accepts the offer of tea as
Holmes attempts normality
with a comment about the impending Spring. He cannot maintain the
facade of convention, however, exploding with 'He's the Napoleon of
crime, Watson!' smashing his pistol down into some hapless crockery.
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'He's the Napoleon of crime, Watson!. He's the organiser of half that is evil and nearly all that is undetected in this great city in the annals of contemporary crime.' |
The tirade continues; Moriarty is responsible for half that is evil
and nearly all that is undetected in this great city. Again, the
child takes the stair, knocking Holmes back somewhat. He insists
Moriarty is a genius, philosopher, abstract thinker, sat motionless
at the centre of a web, which has a thousand radiations, every quiver
of which are known to the master criminal. His agents? - they may be
caught, but he? - never so much as suspected!. Until now. Holmes
tells Watson he has learned of his arch-enemy's existence and
penetrated his perimeter, but Moriarty's agents are on his track.
Quite appalled at his friend's
descent into paranoia, Watson asks his intention. Sherlock replies he
will nap. As he departs for his bed, the Doctor finds his cocaine
needle resting on its open case. Watson returned to his consulting
rooms, to find a gentleman answering to the name of Moriarty awaiting
him there, perusing a
lenticular print on the wall.
An elderly man, Moriarty is
started by the arrival of Watson. He has called at this late hour as
discretion is important and his business urgent. Understanding Doctor
Watson is Sherlock Holmes' closest acquaintance, the elderly figure
wishes to avoid scandal. Holmes is persecuting him; following him
about London, waits for him outside the Roylott school where he
teaches Mathematics. Producing a sheaf of papers, he hands them to
Watson – all telegrams
from Holmes on the lines of 'Moriarty,
your days are numbered.' The detective seems convinced he is a
criminal mastermind. Moriarty has brought this to the Doctor to avoid
involving his solicitor. Watson appeals to his better nature –
perhaps if he had known Holmes when he was in full possession of his
faculties?. He did! - Moriarty was tutor to both Holmes and his
brother Mycroft at Squire Holmes' estate in Sussex. Brilliant
brothers, the Holmes brothers. Then came the tragedy...
Shocked to find Watson unaware of this, the wizened Moriarty realises
he has been indiscreet and hurries to leave, not wishing to be the
one to divulge such family secrets. He makes his excuses and leaves a
thoughtful Watson to examine the card he left.
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Robert Duvall is Watson. Samantha Eggar is Mary Morstan Watson. |
The maid lays out supper and Mary
Watson (Nee
Morstan) asks
her Husband his intention. Closing the door after the servant, Watson
states that Holmes must be weaned of his cocaine addiction and only
one man can help. Laying out a copy of The Lancet, John
states that a Viennese Doctor has the capacity to assist and has
agreed to so do. Mary points out that Holmes hates to leave London,
knowing that his absence excites the criminal classes. Knowing
Holmes' methods, John plans to leave a false trail to convince him
Moriarty has fled to the Continent.
The silent marbled halls of the
Diogenes Club, Pall Mall. A porter
leads Doctor Watson across the expanse of opulence,
shushing him when he attempts to speak. Watson did not know Holmes
well, being astonished at learning of his existence some seven years
after becoming acquainted with Sherlock. Mycroft preferred an
eccentric bachelor's life, circumscribed by the walls of his Club,
beyond which he was rarely seen. Greeting Watson warmly, the elder
Holmes remarks he hasn't seen him since the affair of the Greek
Astute as ever,
Mycroft infers this visit is to do with Sherlock. Watson tells his
host of the condition plaguing his sibling and the promise offered in
Vienna. On mentioning Moriarty, the senior Holmes flushes
uncomfortably, but stills
further discussion with a gesture of finality. The Viennese doctor
has made a study of addiction, in addition to his work on hysteria in
children. Holmes remarks on the unusual range of interest there and
that the doctor sounds Jewish, at which Watson bristles with
impatience. At the rate Sherlock is using cocaine, he will be dead
within the year. How to get
Sherlock to the continent? - Mycroft tells Watson to leave it to him
– and Professor Moriarty. Ringing for Jenkins, the porter,
Mycroft astonishes him by ordering a cab for Watson... and himself!.
Mycroft Holmes, leaving the club!.
The Hansom pulls up in a street some distance from the professor's
house and Mycroft asks the cabbie to wait. Discretion is rewarded as
Mycroft spots his brother, stood in a small graveyard keeping watch
on the Moriarty household. An opportunity presents itself as Holmes
relaxes his vigil and moves away. Quickly, the watching pair go to
the house and wake a nervous Moriarty. Mycroft insists he does not
adjust the gas, careful not to warn the vigilant Sherlock of his own
Mycroft wants the professor to take a brief absence from
the Roylott school, no more than three days and to journey to the
address on the piece of paper Watson hands to him. The old man
protests – it's in France!. Once there, he is to disappear, then
return to re-assume his post. It is too much, complains Moriarty.
Drily, Mycroft states he has no wish to rake up the past, but he is
perfectly capable of it. With no choice, the professor asks when he
is to leave. Now.
Mrs. Watson opens the doors to the dining room to find the Doctor at
the breakfast table. She hands him a telegram. He reads it, his
expression sombre. Mary asks if it has begun and the grave answer is
'yes.' He goes to pack, leaving her to read the message. Holmes asks
if Watson's Practice can spare him for a few days, instructing him to
bring Toby to 114 Munro road, Hammersmith and to take precautions.
Mary wonders at this last injunction, until John draws his revolver
from the dresser, stating he has always followed Holmes' instructions
to the letter. He asks Mary to have another doctor cover his rounds
and asks if she has any more questions. She does; who is Toby?.
Toby the Bloodhound – familiar, of course to readers of The Sign
of Four – sits awaiting his
work. In that adventure,
Holmes stated that he would "rather have Toby's help than
that of the whole detective force in London.", such is the
creature's usefulness. Not only had he caught Jonathan Small and his
loathsome companion, but more recently helped Holmes pursue an
Orangutan through the sewers of Marseilles. Paying the cabman, Watson
takes Toby through the graveyard and calls for Holmes. All of a
sudden, an extraordinary sight; Holmes in the oddest of disguises,
ragged clothing, wild grey hair, bulbous nose and moustaches with
dark green glasses. As Watson knows all too well, Sherlock Holmes can
never resist a touch of the dramatic. Moriarty, he tells us, has
bolted – this his house on the corner. He has had the place under
watch, but last night relaxed his vigil to go to a nearby public
house. Watson says nothing of having been at the very house with
Mycroft. Sherlock brings him up short lest he step in a pool of
vanilla extract which he has placed there. The extract is a more
reliable agent than creosote for a dog to track and Sherlock
encourages Toby to sniff the aromatic liquid. Sure enough, the
reliable hound starts off after the scent laid down by both
Moriarty's shoe and the wheel of the carriage transporting the
Professor from his home. Watson limps off to fetch their bags (The
legacy of the wound he sustained in service of Queen and Country in
Afghanistan.) and they begin a trek across town.
Victoria station and the odd party arrives just too late for the
Continental Boat Express, a porter closing the gate as they rush up
to it. Holmes sighs as the train puffs and chuffs from view. Holmes
tells Watson to find out the time of the next train whilst he changes
from his tramp's guise, such being unsuited for travel. They will
take Toby along as his usefulness may continue. Once aboard the
train, they take occupancy of their carriage, but not before Holmes
takes himself and his gladstone to the WC. Watson sees no use in
remonstration; ironically, until they reach Austria he depends on
Holmes' usage of cocaine. Patting Toby, he settles in for a long
![]() |
Robert Duvall and Nicol Williamson as Watson and Holmes. |
every stop, Holmes has Toby cast about for the vanilla scent. At Linz
station, an incident occurs that, although apparently of no import,
assumed significance later. Be-Fezzed flunkies unroll a red carpet to
a carriage from which steps an extraordinary figure. Bearded, a Pasha
stands, surveying the scene, in a heavy coat of fur, a cigarette in
holder between his teeth, a crescent of silver adorning his fez and
jewelled medals hanging from his breast and throat.
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Gertan Klauber appears as the Emin Pasha |
To Holmes,
lounging there, he seems of no interest, until he stops to stare at a
poster hung there. It is of a beautiful singer, Lola Devereaux,
appearing at the Linz Hof. The
Pasha seems enamoured, to say the least. Piqued, Holmes makes to go
after the exotic potentate, only to have his way barred with ottoman
daggers and shouts of warning. As
a stream of covered beauties – one presumes the latter – descend
from the carriage to follow their master, Holmes inquires of a porter
to whom does the private carriage and carpet belong, to be told 'The
Emin Pasha', the Premier of the entire Ottoman Empire. He
is the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo. (He's not; Joseph
Jagger and Charles Wells were the two men entitled to this
soubriquet. However, for interrupting our narrative, I shall make an
offering to petition
your further patronage;
Both train and occupants puff away heartily – as Holmes chided
Watson for lighting up earlier, this seems a tad inconsistent, the
two friends speculating on Toby's unmatched olfactory skills. They
arrive in Vienna, at the Westbahnhof. Bemused porters laden with
their baggage following, Toby tries the wheels of a few carriages.
Holmes remarks that cabs working stations return to them between
fares. Perhaps... no, it's hopeless. Toby seems to have lost the
scent. And yet!; canine nose sniffling, the superlative Hound lets
out a whimper, a bark!. He's onto something, dragging Holmes along to
a carriage into which he springs, whining in excitement. Questioning
the Droschenkkutscher as to his recent fare, Holmes
establishes that Moriarty did, indeed travel in the man's carriage
and makes the universal signal for renumeration to assist his memory
as to where. Suitably greased, the wheels turn and the singular party
is taken through one of the beautiful cities of old Europe, the
Europe before the motor car left it's tarmacadam slashes across the
They enter the Alsergrund district, at the Berg alleyway. Holmes
wonders why Moriarty should suddenly choose to visit Austria. Warily,
Watson lies that he has no idea, his sudden pallor worrying Holmes.
They pull up at number 19, Berggasse. Taking the marble stairs of the
grand old house, the adventurers ascend to an apartment, Toby in the
lead. Conscience-pricked, Watson tries to tell Holmes of the true
purpose of their visit, but an eager Sherlock will have none of it in
the thrill of the moment. Number Six then, and the bell is answered
by a cheery Dienstmädchen
with a hearty 'Grüß Gott, ja?'. Rudely
barging past the girl,
Holmes confuses her asking for Moriarty. When Watson introduces
Holmes it is clear he was expected. Politeness
itself, the maid offers to give Toby something to eat, arousing
suspicion in Holmes which only subsides at Watson's melioration.
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Alan Arkin is Freud. |
A door opens and a medium-sized,
compact man of fastidious appearance emerges to welcome the two to
his house, his tones that of a cultured Vienna professional, perhaps
the medical class. An animated Holmes insists the man remove his
ludicrous beard and drop the comic-opera accent, believing this to be
Professor Moriarty. Solemnly,
the man gives his name as Sigmund Freud. The scales drop and Holmes
realises this is indeed not Moriarty goes through into the study,
suddenly uncertain of things. Freud explains he believes Moriarty is,
in fact in a Hotel. Turning on Watson, Holmes vents his outrage at
such deception, from the last man he thought capable of betraying him
to his enemies. Holmes has done his friend an injustice, Freud
explains, adding that Watson and Mycroft colluded to lead him to his
door in the hope that they could induce Holmes to see him. For what
purpose?. Freud answers question with like; who is he
that Holmes' friends
would wish him to see?. The
Great Detective proves his powers not entirely dissipated. Beyond the
fact Freud is a brilliant jewish physician, born in Hungary and had
studied in Paris and that certain radical theories of his had
alienated the respectable medical community, so that he has severed
connexions with various hospitals and branches of the medical
fraternity... Beyond this Holmes can deduce little, save he is
married with a child of perhaps five, enjoys Shakespeare and is a man
of honour.
Nervous and vexed, Holmes wants
his explanation. Sigmund Freud first wants to know how he guessed
these details of his life. 'I never guess. It is an appalling habit,
destructive to the logical faculty.' He expounds his observations;
that the study belongs to Freud exclusively is evident from the dust
– not even the maid is permitted. Holmes
roams the room as he elucidates. When
a man collects books he usually groups them, yet his religious tomes
are in a bookcase across from a Hebrew Bible and Talmud, a menorah
upon his desk confirms this. That
he studied in Paris is to be inferred from the number of medical
texts in French. Where else for a German to study French textbooks?
Who, but a brilliant physician studies in a language that is not
their own?. The fondness for Shakespeare is inferred from the open
book laid face down as if intended to be resumed, the absence of dust
on cover adding to the hypothesis. That he is a physician is clear
from the fact he maintains a consulting room adjacent to the study,
the blank spaces on the wall surrounding his Diplomata testify to his
alienation from various medical societies. Pulling and twisting at
his hands in a compulsive fashion, the heightened
Holmes clarifies this; what could impel a man to remove testaments to
his own success?. It is possible to become disillusioned with one or
two, hardly likely to be so with all. Rather, he postulates it was
they who
became disenchanted with Doctor Freud and asked him to resign.
Evidently some position which he has taken has discredited him, in
their eyes.
Wringing his hands in suppressed
frenzy, Sherlock continues. The wedding ring tells of marriage, his
Balkanised accent hints Hungary or Moravia, the toy soldier he plucks
from the floor ought to belong to a small boy of perhaps five...
again the vision of the boy climbing the stairs assails Holmes, who
loses track and asks if he has omitted anything.
'My sense of honour'
is Freud's response. Holmes states it implied by his removal of the
plaques of the societies to which he no longer belongs. In his own
study, whom, but he would know of it?. Now, Holmes awaits his host's
explanation. Freud observes Holmes is less than candid, that it is
clear he suffers from an abominable addiction and that his maligned
and brother
who have combined to help him throw off its yoke.
Shrewdly, Freud insists Holmes
face his hypocrisy in refusing to acknowledge his illness and blaming
his friends. Heavy of heart, Holmes admits his guilt. He has summoned
all his will to the task, but no no use. His feet are on the
inexorable path to self-destruction. Doctor Freud suggests a man may
sometimes retrace his steps, but a defeated Holmes replies 'Not from
the fiendish coils of drug-addiction, no man can do it.' 'I have' is
the Austrian's simple answer. He has taken cocaine and is free from
it's power. It is now his intention to help others – if Holmes will
allow it. It will
take time and it will not be pleasant. The Doctor has arranged for
both to remain as his guests for the duration.
At this point, Holmes is in the
grip of another attack, compelled by the needle. Removing his jacket,
Freud begins his work, with a session of hypnotism. Does he intend to
make Holmes bark like a dog?, no he intends to reduce the craving
artificially, until the chemistry of the body does it naturally.
Swinging his pocket-watch to and fro, the Doctor begins inducing a
state of hypnosis.
Lowering the blinds, Freud joins
Watson to search Holmes' possessions whilst the latter slumbers in
his hypnotised state. Doctor Freud goes through Holmes' case, whilst
Doctor Watson takes the gladstone. Freud finds what might be a small
bottle of the drug in solution, but it's water – a decoy inspired
by the artifice of the addicted. Emptied, however, the gladstone is
too heavy. Upending it, Watson discovers a false panel, which pops
open to reveal the tragic sight of the best part of thirty
bottles of the hellish
solution, along with the implements of self-destruction in their
When and where and why did
Holmes begin using cocaine?. In
the salon, this is
the question Freud asks of Watson, who answers for as long as he's
known him. He takes a
seven-percent solution to
relieve the ennui between
cases. The maid
leaves tea for the two and leaves the
two men smoking.
Freud's interest?; a friend of his died last year, he was partially
responsible. He closes the (exquisite)
sliding glass doors for more privacy. After this, he wrote a paper on
the subject, which
Watson came across in The Lancet. Trained
in Neuro-Pathology, with a background in local diagnosis, there is no
formal designation for what Freud is now. He began with mapping the
nervous system, but became interested in charting the mind. He is
interested in the area of the brain he calls the Un-Conscious.
He's an Alienist,
suggests Watson; Freud is interested in hysterical cases, using
hypnosis to dig into their Un-Conscious mind where, he believes, the
hysterical symptoms originate. For example; Herr
Holmes reliance on
cocaine strikes him as being a symptom, not hysterical, but
nevertheless a symptom.
What makes him think this?, is
Watson's question. 'Elementary
my dear... fellow.' (Clearly, Freud is a fan of Watson's published
accounts, as this slip reveals.) Knowing something of drugs and
addiction, he refuses to believe a man would descend into such over
mere boredom. Suddenly, the feverish cries of 'A snake... a snake!'
sound from Holmes' room and the two medical men rush to his aid.
Concerned Mrs. Freud and their son come out, startled by the
hullabaloo. A curtailed, hurried introduction is all they have time
for as the anguished shrieking continues. Beside himself in terror, a
rabid Holmes insists a swamp adder is in the room – the deadliest
snake in India. (This
is the snake from The Adventure of the Speckled
Band, a fictitious
creature possibly intended to be an Indian Cobra.) The room is in
disarray. Watson is forced to physically subdue his friend until the
attack subsides, leaving Holmes drenched in sweat, gasping for air
and trembling noticably.
As Holmes' fever abates, he
tells Freud of the snake he saw – the case of a diabolical plot to
murder a young
lady. Recounting the case, he tells of the snake coming down a bell
rope affixed to the side of the lady's bed. In his dream, however,
the viper turned into Professor Moriarty. Does the Doctor place much
stock in dreams?. He does not know what dreams tell, lately has been
toying with the idea that...but Holmes is seized anew, leaping from
the bed and babbling. Rushing from the room, the anguished genius is
stopped by Watson, angered that the latter does not see the snake and
calling him an insufferable cripple. At this last, Watson delivers a
finely judged blow, part upper-cut, part right-cross that knocks the
senses from Holmes.
Sherlock Holmes' attempt to escape the coils of the cocaine,
in which he was so deeply enmeshed, was perhaps the most harrowing
and heroic effort I have ever witnessed – John
Watson, MD.
From his bed, Holmes is be-seiged by the ghosts of the past; the
carrot-topped men of The Red-Headed League bow in unison, while
Doctors Watson and Freud seem to be gliding around the room. A
wardrobe begins to undulate and quiver, as if made of jelly, the door
bursting open to expel the ferocious Hound that so nearly ended the
life of Sir. Henry Baskerville some years past. These phantasms
disappear as they came, the room returned to normality. Holmes is in
a parlous state of near exhaustion. Ever the staunch ally, Watson
tends to his charge, applying a cold compress to the brow to assist
with the fever. Holmes' mind wrestles with colliding imagery; the boy
on the stairs, Freud's eternally-swinging watch, again he falls into
the somnolence of the hypnotised. As through a tunnel, Holmes
perceives the two medical men conferring as to the dangers of his
withdrawal process. Doctor Freud cautions Watson that Holmes could
That bloody child!; again he treads that stair!. Then, a new terror;
the bed in which Holmes reposes seems to rise, floating upwards
towards the ceiling!. Surely he will be crushed... then, a kindly
face – it is Mrs. Freud, with a thin soup for the patient. As he
takes up his spoon, Holmes sees a bowl of worms, which he flings away
in disgust. Throwing back the bedclothes only reveals a next of
vipers, writhing and hissing. From reality, Mrs. Freud beseeches him
to return to bed, but Holmes cowers in a corner. The room spins like
a speeding carriage wheel as the Doctor's wife helps Holmes back to
bed. Even then, the horrors do not rescind their grip upon Holmes'
mind, as he sees insects crawling over Mrs. Freud's face. Once more,
the pendulum swings. It seems then that Toby enters the room to sniff
at Holmes, as if to revive him. Perhaps the Hound did, indeed visit
Holmes, perhaps. A bell-pull then appears at the head board by the
be-devilled patient – not surprisingly, his mind has conjured the
dreaded swamp adder as the next torment. But what's this?; fleeting
glimpses of a face – Moriarty?, yes! Moriarty. Younger perhaps, but
definitely it is he, interspersed with the snake. This last is too
much and Holmes sinks back into his pillow, collapsing into sleep.
The curtains are thrown open and the maid offers Holmes a cheery
'Good morning.' Awakening, Holmes looks around to see a seated
Watson, positively beEming, Mrs. Freud and the Doctor himself
announcing his fever is broken and his pulse is normal. How does
Holmes feel? - not well. Smiling, Doctor Freud disagrees, stating he
will try to force some food into him today. Does he remember
Professor Moriarty?. Indeed yes, Holmes knowing what is expected of
him. The only time he fitted the appellation of 'Nemesis' was when it
took him three weeks to unshroud the mysteries of elementary
calculus. Freud is intent; Holmes must know this
to be true, not merely state it. He does. Calling Watson closer,
Sherlock tells him he cannot remember too much of the preceding
hours, or days, but he seems to recall shouting terrible things at
his closest friend. Did he?. Noble Watson!; he tells Holmes it was
imagined. Sherlock responds
that if he did shout
these things he wants Watson to know that he did not mean it. Tired
by even such a mean exchange, Sherlock Holmes closes his eyes and his
staunch compatriot draws the bedding under his chin. The two medical
men retire, leaving him to rest.
Alone, Watson asks if Holmes will be all right. 'Perhaps. He will
need hypnosis periodically still.' Have they not been successful?.
'Perhaps.' Doctor Freud recalls the old maxim of the cure being worse
than the disease. Abruptly dismissing this thought, the Austrian
Doctor tells Doctor Watson they owe themselves an hour or two of
fresh air...
The two Doctors go to a Turnhalle, or
gymnasium. Discussing Holmes' case, Doctor Freud speculates that to
complete a successful cure, it is necessary to trace the origin of
his compulsion; the reason for his use of cocaine. Until this is
accomplished, he will remain susceptible. Watson
wonders how Doctor Freud intends to achieve this, unaware as yet of
the interest their visit has aroused. A man with a
mensur schmisse
and every appearance of being
a Prussian aristocrat - and
his lickspittles are regarding the Austrian Doctor with disdain.
Freud explains he will use the same methods as Holmes would in
solving a mystery – but then the Prussian steps forward and his
interest becomes both clear and repugnant in its very essence. In
loud tones, the 'aristocrat' reveals himself to be an anti-semite,
stating that the place has gone downhill since his last visit.
Calmly, Doctor Freud seats himself on the bench as he changes stating
it apparent the man has not been here for some time, the Jewish
membership up some fifty percent. When one of the thugs recognises
Freud, he whispers so to the Prussian, who refers
coarsely to the Doctor's Oedipal theorem. The bounder then asks if
Freud slept with his mother – and ends up wearing a glass of beer,
provided by an outraged Watson.
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Jeremy Kemp provides plenty of Boo-Hiss as Baron Karl Von Leinsdorf. |
The Prussian holds back his lackeys,
as Watson squares off into a
pugilist's stance. That is not the Prussian way, however. The cad
informs Watson his Seconds will call on him. Seeing the danger, Freud
insists Watson merely brought the challenge and the argument is with
him. Blood up, a furious Watson wants to challenge the dastard
himself, but Doctor Freud insists he will fight his own battles.
Accepting, the Prussian asks if he knows who he is. He does not know
who, but indeed Freud knows what the
man is. He is the Baron Von Liensdorf. As the injured party, Doctor
Freud has the choice of weapons and the time is now.
Dressed for battle, Sigmund Freud
has armed himself with... a tennis racquet. Cleverly, he has chosen a
game of tennis; if he loses, it's only a game. Refusing a wager,
Freud faces his opponent across the net as the Baron spins for sides.
The umpire calls one set, the best of five games to polite applause
from the spectators. First service and the Baron sends the ball over
the Penthouse roof, a shot
returned by Doctor Freud. However, the Doctor faults on
the next return. It soon emerges that the Baron is a strong,
confident player and, despite his gallant efforts, Freud is left
trailing. However, as the game progresses, the Doctor's own improves,
winning back a game. During a pause, Watson offers encouragement and
the astute Freud comments on the terrible deficiency in the Baron's
game; he has an appalling back-hand.
serving, Freud exploits the weakness to the increased frustration of
his opponent. Watson watches with satisfaction a triumph of intellect
over brute strength. Ultimately, the Umpire calls it game, set and
match to Doctor Freud. Watson takes his hand, but when Freud asks the
Baron if honour is satisfied, he churlishly flings his racket away in
a display of unsportsmanlike behaviour. Shaking his head, the victor
leaves the court.
Dinner at the Freud household and
Holmes' own plate lies untouched. Concerned, Mrs. Freud offers
dessert, some strudel, but a far-off Holmes declines. As the maid
clears the table, Doctor Freud brings in a violin for Holmes to play.
It's not a Stradivarius, but it belonged to an Uncle and Freud offers
its use whilst his guest remains. Inspecting
the violin, Sherlock Holmes thanks his host. The maid brings him a
plate of strudel, asking him to eat it. It is clear Holmes is far
from recuperated. That night, the old violin sings as it is played by
a masterly hand, whilst outside in the Alsergrund a dog barks in the
Morning and a cycle messenger hurries up to the Freud residence.
Guests and Hosts are at breakfast, Holmes sat in a listless topor, a
vacant stare of lassitude alarming Doctor Watson, who insists he take
some nourishment. Doctor Freud has been summoned to an emergency, an
attempted suicide. Asking his wife for his coat, he stands regarding
Holmes, who assures him he is all right. Doubtful of this, Freud
observes that the craving could re-assert itself at any moment.
Better that Holmes and Watson accompany him.
The courtyard of the Allgemeines Krankenhaus and a carriage
door is opened revealing the coat of arms of the Baron Von Liensdorf,
he tells the driver to wait, then changes his mind and orders the
driver to leave as he spots the party approaching. With Doctor freud
leading, the trio enter the hospital, taking the steps they are
unaware of the sinister Turk watching the building. He wears a fez
and is smoking a cigarette. As the visitors walk the corridor, a
Doctor Schultz discusses the case with Freud. The woman is lucky to
be alive, having leapt from the Augarten bridge into the canal. Her
sedation should be wearing off about now.
the room, a beautiful woman
lies sleeping fitfully, her striking red locks cascade over the
![]() |
Miss Lola Deveraux is portrayed by Vanessa Redgrave. |
Sister of Mercy takes Doctor
Freud's coat as he exEmines the patient. This is Lola Deveraux, whose
head of red hair was, until recently the toast of four continents.
Holmes startles his companions by observing the Lady was possessed of
a remarkable Mezzo Soprano,
with a fondness for lilies. They were her passion, agrees Freud; she
surrounded herself with them. She
was, until recently a patient of his; does he see where the ravages
of cocaine lead?. He thought he had cured her. Holmes lifts the sheet
exposing the lady's feet; her ankles display numerous small
lacerations and clear marks of bruising, as of having been bound. He
states simply, 'You did.' Freud disagrees, she has had a terrible
relapse and attempted self-destruction. Holmes lets this statement
fall as he remarks he has never seen anything so fiendish; she did
not relapse
voluntarily - the marks at her wrists and ankles indicate she was
bound and forcibly fed her drugs.
Doctor Freud cannot believe his ears as Holmes explains the method of
escape. Miss Deveraux smashed a window with her feet, then used a
shard to cut her bonds and escape from a second-storey window. Watson
asks how he deduces this last, Holmes shows her palms, which are
badly burned from a slide down something such as a drainpipe. Why
should she then attempt suicide? - 'Elementary, my Dear Freud.
Once free, her addiction began to re-assert itself. To satisfy it
meant returning to captivity. There's only one other method of
dealing with her dependence on the drug.' Watson
counsels Freud against taking Holmes too seriously, but Freud doubts
the evidence will sustain another interpretation. Besides, Holmes is
not that sick. Miss Deveraux regains consciousness with a start of
fear, Doctor Freud rushing to her side. Recognition in her sparks and
she clings to her former saviour. Upon seeing the wretched needle
marks upon her arm, she is in despair.
Holmes addresses the woman, who
turns to face the owner of the strange voice, Freud introducing him.
She has indeed heard the name, gallantly offering a British 'How do
you do?'. Touched, Holmes asks what she can recall of her abduction.
She was on the station en route for
Monte Carlo when a message arrived for her. Perhaps sensing
reticence, Holmes reassures her by confessing he, too is an addict.
The message came from her friend, the Baron Von Liensdorf. He was
planning to join her on the Riviera, but the message was not
from the Baron, merely being a ruse to get her from the station. She
was bundled into a landau, the blinds closed. Gagged, tied and
blindfolded, she does not
know where she was taken or why. Asking a description of the
messenger, she details a little, dark-haired man wearing a bowler.
His skin was very burnt and pockmarked, his teeth bad too. He walked
with little nervous jumps and dressed like a tradesman. Clearly
suffering a terrible ordeal, Mme. Deveraux turns to her protector and
Doctor Freud asks for a few minutes alone with his patient. Holmes
praises her on her strength and leaves with Watson. Alone,
the singer tells Doctor Freud they will have to start again. Is she
not afraid?. A woman as
beautiful as she has seen everything fearful by seventeen. Afraid,
no, just tired...
At one of the cafés
for which Vienna is so justifiably famed, the gentlemen sit and
discuss matters. Doctor Freud invites Holmes to assist, but the
detective demurs. Watson agrees with his medical colleague that work
is the very thing. Sweating, Holmes puts it that his own condition
may affect Miss Deveraux's, that he is under constant need for
supervision. Better to turn the affair over to the Viennese police. A
man who believed his own mathematics tutor to be the serpent from
Eden... Freud leaps upon this, but Holmes is again subject to visions
of the boy on the stair. Trying not to let his frustration show,
Doctor Freud states the Vienna police no better than Scotland Yard –
what would he do if he had
the case?. In
the grip of a panic attack, Holmes begs to be taken home to be
hypnotised. Watson makes to rise, but Freud's hand on his shoulder
stills the movement. The Doctor offers hypnosis here and now if
Holmes answers his question.
![]() |
Joel Grey plays Lowenstein. Oily, slimy and wretched. |
without choice, Holmes accedes; his first move would be to follow
that man there – he indicates a sallow type seated at a nearby
booth conspicuously and ostentatiously reading his Neue
Freie Presse. But
why?, he seems to be waiting for someone. Sherlock Holmes tells his
companions the man is waiting for them,
followed them from the hospital. Freud asks why the man should be
concerned with them.
Holmes – (Clutching handkerchief) 'Doctor Freud, you see, but
you do not observe – a faculty you must cultivate. Describe that
man to me.'
Watson – 'You can see him yourself.'
Holmes – 'Yes. Describe him.'
Freud – 'He's wearing a bowler, (The Man is dressing hurriedly as
if to leave) dressed as a tradesman, long ragged coat, black shoes,
scarred face...'
Freud turns to face Holmes, the light of recognition in his eyes.
Dr. Freud – 'Himmel!, it's the man who abducted Fraulein
Holmes – (Nodding) 'Now, will you keep your promise?'.
Dr. Freud – 'Ja.'
reaches for his watch, but the man is leaving – there's no time to
treat Holmes now. Hurrying after the fellow – who indeed walks with
nervous jumps – just time for Freud to pay and grab a last bite of
pastry. They follow the man to a chemist's shop, Holmes explaining
drugs were used by Miss Deveraux's abductor, to re-establish her
dependence. When, by some miracle, the addict is cured, the addiction
is relegated to the position of a secret in their past. Whoever did
this was intimately acquainted with the soprano. Stumbling, Holmes
falls to the paving stones, Freud offering to take him home.
Resolute, Holmes rejects the offer and the three rush off in pursuit
the Hof-Bibliotek,
the Austrian State Library and surely the finest library in Europe.)
where, from one of the galleries, he looks down on his followers. As
they stand, awaiting his next movement, he comes down, blows his nose
rather loudly and touches his hat to them as he passes, evidently
seeing this as some sort of game!.
The singular pursuit continues through Vienna, the pock-marked little
man hippety-hopping along and poor Watson limping along in the wake
of Holmes and Freud. Holmes thinks this odd fellow merely a
supernumerary, hired by one of the principals. Discussion turns to
the Baron and his lack of backhand. Pock-marked Hippety-hop darts
into a building, but on following the three find themselves in a dark
chamber the size of two tennis courts. The gate behind them is closed
suddenly by their quarry and, of all times, Sherlock has an attack.
Kneeling in the sawdust, Doctor Freud tries to hypnotise him, placing
him under.
The gates swing open and with a whinny, six horses from
the Lipizzaner stables roar into what is suddenly revealed as
a practice arena. Dragging the comatose Holmes to the precarious
safety afforded by some barrels, Watson shouts that they are only
horses – the most intelligent in the World, is Freud's retort –
and trained to kill. Needing more time to bring Holmes back, he
commands Watson to divert the horses away.
Bravely, Watson goes into the fray, going as fast as he can, hindered
by his old wound and desperately using his stick to propel himself,
the charging horses gaining with every step. Desperately, he hurls
himself clear at the last possible moment, the flailing hooves
missing him by a fraction. Regaining stick and hat, Watson turns to
face the stampede as it turns for the next pass. In an act that
would, on the battlefield merit a gallantry medal, he calls the
horses attention solely to him, taking cover behind some barrels just
as several tons of horse-flesh
carom off them. Frantically, meanwhile, Freud is trying everything to
awaken Holmes without his craving for cocaine. Coming to, Holmes asks
what has happened, to be told the predicament they are in. Instantly,
Holmes removes his deerstalker (An odd choice for the city) and
dashes to the centre of the arena with the Viennese doctor. As the
Lipizzaner hurtle past
Watson, their attention falls on the two men in front of the gates.
With death closing rapidly, Holmes and Freud run back towards the
gates, throwing themselves to either side at the critical moment. The
horses crash through and Holmes goes to see how Watson fared. They
must get to the hospital – why? - Freud sees that the pock-marked
hopping man was merely used to lead them astray. The purpose?...
Miss Deveraux sits combing her
legendary locks. The Baron calls on her with a large bouquet of
lillies. She is delighted to
see her old beau, they embrace warmly. He tells her Doctor Freud told
him of her convalescence and the two kiss. He has come to take her
away. But Doctor Freud?. The cad claims that he made the Doctor
change his mind. Fetching her robe, the Baron tells her after her
imprisonment in that warehouse, the last thing she needs is a cold,
impersonal hospital. Her face drops as she realises the terrible
truth. How could he know about the warehouse?. The
ignoble nobleman is interrupted by the arrival of a Sister. He tells
the nurse that she must accompany the patient and, unaware of the
danger, she agrees.
The Baron's carriage leaves, watched
by the ever-vigilant Turk, his eternal cigarette in his lips. He
hurries into a carriage bearing the coat of arms of the Emin Pasha to
follow the Baron. The next second, Holmes and co. come sprinting into
the courtyard, to the singer's room. Finding it vacant confirms
Holmes' worst fears. Anger then, as Holmes berates Freud for forcing
him to take this case. He's bungled it!. Why, why did he listen to
Freud?. Freud, of course has his own perspective; why does Holmes
insist on taking all the blame?, what egocentric streak prevents
others from sharing in his triumphs or disasters?. Furious,
Sherlock shouts 'I followed the wrong man!'. Watson the peacemaker
now; beseeching both gentlemen to hold themselves, he points out this
is hardly the time to apportion blame. A woman is in danger. 'Women
are always in danger' the reply. Freud
accedes. Where can they have taken her?. Not her original prison;
they have no idea what she may have ascertained of it's location or
revealed. The detective goes on – we know its location and that
prevents their return. Watson questions this, to Holmes' annoyance.
She leapt from the Augarten bridge after a harrowing escape down a
drainpipe. As an addict, how much strength could she have had?. From
how far off could she have come?. Then, the germ of an idea. Holmes
asks Doctor Freud what buildings front the Danube canal by the
bridge?. Despondently, Freud answers; 'Warehouses.'
The time for ratiocination has past, Holmes requires Toby, asking
Freud to go to fetch him. The Doctor thinks it better Holmes
accompanies him, but Sherlock sallies that Doctor Watson will prevent
his stealing Hospital supplies of cocaine; besides, (He draws his
magnifying glass) he is on the case and Freud has placed him there.
Now he is under Holmes' instructions...
as afterthought, Holmes asks for Watson's revolver as well. As the
Doctor departs, a thought has come to him. Meanwhile, Holmes observes
no sign of a struggle, but spots a single lilly on the floor of the
corridor outside the door. Along the hallway, another!. Miss Deveraux
has left a trail!. Running out to the courtyard, more lilies await
discovery. The trail stops at a door from which two drunken gentlemen
have just spilled out from. Holmes bangs on the door, which is
answered by a be-turbanned boy. Inside, a sumptuous bordello is
revealed, patrons and courtesans
alike delight in a chanteuse's risqué
song. Finding
themselves among the demi-monde,
Holmes and Watson stand, awkwardly (In Watson's case rather less so)
as the madame
finishes her song.
as customers, Holmes and Watson order something with red hair... her
own russet tresses will not do. She goes off in search of another
redhead, while a girl offers the pair a view at a stereoscope; Holmes
is disgusted and says as much. Watson, however, shows no such
reticence, more than willing to peruse the three-dimensional
image. Doubtless not family viewing. The
madame brings a redhead in, but it is not Miss Deveraux. Moving about
Holmes casts his eye around, then hurries through into a salon
priveé, finding
a man cavorting with two 'ladies'. Covering Watson's eyes, Holmes
goes across to another salon to find... Doctor Sigmund Freud, sat on
the bed, smoking a cigar. At this, madame calls off her man,
remarking that for this sort of entertainment they need not come to
her establishment.
How did Doctor Freud arrive at this place?. He tried to think where
they would hide Fräulein
Deveraux next. Knowing something of her less than salubrious past, he
thought where better to hide a demi-mondaine than
amongst a bevy of the type. Impressed,
Holmes remarks the Doctor is beginning to think as he does. Holmes is
embarrassed when Watson reveals their method and places the lillies
aside. They have not found Fräulein
Deveraux, however they have
found the body of the unfortunate sister, revealed by Freud pulling
the bed-covers back. Her throat has been slashed. His face darkening,
Holmes instructs the Doctor to rise carefully and step to one side,
Watson to lock the door so he can better exEmine the scene of this
latest crime. Doctor Freud
speculates she was probably abducted to prevent her describing the
abductors. Holmes offers praise for the Doctor's insight, but adds
that there was only the one abductor, as there was no sign of a
struggle and both women clearly went willingly. Freud asks why, to
receive that immortal line; 'Eliminate the impossible, my
Dear Doctor and whatever remains, however improbable, must be the
truth.' Pondering this, Freud
uncertainly comes up with a name; The Baron?. Congratulating
him on his insight, Holmes clarifies it – the Baron being the only
person intimately acquainted with her past.
Examining the dresser, Holmes finds
a bottle of cocaine solution. The Baron planned to use this to keep
his victim tractable. Freud wonders why he would have to abduct his
own mistress. The exEmination continues, with the Great Detective
scrutinising the corpse. Throat slit, left to right. A ritual
slaying, common in Moslem* practice. The Sharp curved blade, body
still warm, rigor not set in. Watson does not think this a matter of
religious difference. Spotting a partially smoked cigarette on the
carpet, Holmes shows it to his glass. La Turkia, a
brand only smoked by Turks. Further inspection of the floor reveals a
tiny strand of red carpet, also Turkish. (*Of course, the proper
spelling would be 'Muslim', but in the Nineteenth Century 'Moslem'
was used. The spelling changed largely due to the wider knowledge
that 'Moslem' is, in fact a deadly insult to adherents of Islam.)
Holmes has a theory, only such, but
it fits the facts. It is his
theory that the Emin Pasha was an ardent admirer of Miss Deveraux. As
he recalls, red hair exercises a peculiar fascination for the
potentate. No doubt he met her at Monte Carlo
in the company of the Baron and... his train of thought is derailed
as he becomes distracted by the bottle of cocaine he is still
holding. Watson removes the offending article, reminding Holmes the
lady is still in danger – he mustn't succumb. Reassuring his old
friend, he declares that he won't. Ever. Freud gives a nod of
satisfaction at this. An insistent rapping at the door, which is
opened to admit our old friend Mister Pock-Marked Hippety-Hop, into
the strong arms of Watson. Holmes
covers the wretched little man with Watson's revolver, ordering him
to empty his pockets of cocaine. Watson propels him across the room
onto the bed. On seeing the murdered Sister, he lets out a shriek.
As the loathsome fellow hands over
his illicit cargo, Holmes tells him he will make a series of
statements and to agree or disagree, dependant on accuracy. Is that
understood?. Getting no reply from the terrified villain, Holmes
advances on him, at which Freud suddenly springs to his feet and
startles everyone as he announces 'I see everything.' He continues to
say the whole thing turns on two psycho-logical points; The baron's
compulsion for gambling and the Pasha's fascination for red-headed
women. Bravo!, Holmes professes
that his powers of
observation and inference would make him a great detective, but
Freud turns to the rapscallion and puts these points to him;
Dr. Freud – Ze Baron is a compulsive gambler.
Lowenstein – (Terrified) Yes.
Dr. Freud – He lost a fortune this season at Monte Carlo.
Lowenstein – (Nods)
Dr. Freud – The Emin Pasha bought up all his outstanding notes
in order to control him completely.
Lowenstein – (Nods)
Holmes – Really Doctor, you positively scintillate, what next?.
Dr. Freud – He offered to tear up the notes in exchange for
Fräulein Deveraux...
Holmes – Whom he wished to add to his seraglio.
Lowenstein (Not understanding) Se...?.
Holmes – (Tuts) His harem.
Lowenstein – Hmm yes.
Dr. Freud – Ze Baron agreed and hired you to abduct his
Lowenstein – Yes.
Dr. Freud – Knowing of her former narcotic addiction, you were
instructed to revive it, in order to render her pliant and dependent.
Lowenstein (Sobbing) Yes.
Dr. Freud is at a loss to explain the next steps, so Holmes suggests
they combine methods. Seating themselves comfortably, the trio ignore
the snuffling creature in the corner as Holmes expounds his theory
further. The Baron's plan is clear. In another day or so he could
have turned a docile woman over to his creditor, but she foiled his
plans with her escape. It was then a race to recover her; without
her, the Baron was lost. He discovered she was at the hospital
somehow and was on the point of spiriting her away – it was his
black carriage they passed entering, but something stopped him.
Holmes speculates that the Baron recognised Freud from their tennis
match. It was essential to get Holmes and cohorts out of the way,
which this gentleman (Lowenstein) accomplished... but the wily crook
has slipped out of the room.
Watson grabs the repulsive little man and veritably hurls him back
into the room. Continuing, Sherlock states that this time the Baron
kidnapped Miss Deveraux in person. Something aroused her suspicion,
however and she left the trail of lillies. The Baron left her at this
very house of assignation whilst he went to fetch the Pasha. A slap
from Watson's walking stick elicits a 'Ja' from the cowering wretch.
This, however, was where the Pasha's men came in, having dogged the
Baron's footsteps from the beginning. It was they who took
Miss Deveraux. As Holmes remarks that the ladies do seem to cause
trouble, the vision, this time the boy nears the door at the top of
the stairs. Watson has heard enough; tiring of inactivity, he hauls
the pock-marked blackguard to his feet and demands to know the
Pasha's whereabouts. The foul creature says the Pasha is going to
Istanbul for a government conference. Galvanised, Holmes and friends
rush from the room.
At the train yard, the Station Master explains the Emin Pasha
commissioned a special train, using his own cars. He put together the
Pasha's train himself, which left three hours ago for Istanbul.
Holmes declares they also will commission a special, pointing at a
locomotive which is pulling in. The detective tells Doctor Freud
there is no need to accompany himself and Watson, if he'd sooner
depart. Gamely, the Doctor replies Miss Deveraux is his patient,
earning a clap on the back from Watson and a handshake from Holmes.
They go to board the locomotive, to the protests of the Station
Master; it takes time to commission a special – and money. They
must telegraph ahead to clear points. Watson asks where the train was
originally heading. The reply; it is the Dresden Local. Drawing his
revolver, Watson corrects him; it is now the Orient Express. With a
'Huh', the Station Master climbs aboard. Holmes rushes to change the
points and the 'Orient Express Special' is under way. Holmes and
Freud take turns shovelling coal, whilst Watson keeps their captive
Station Master and the Engineer covered.
The 'Orient Express' thunders through the darkness, with an
impressive head of steam. With only the tender and a single carriage
to pull, it glides along the tracks. Exhausted, Freud is relieved by
Watson, who hands him the revolver, much to his discomfort. They need
more steam, Holmes tries to enlist the Station Master, who refuses –
they are stealing railway property. Freud seizes the man and explains
the Pasha is stealing a woman and transporting her out of the
country. Are they the police?. As so often, the name of Sherlock
Holmes is enough to sway opinion. Taking up shovel, the Station
Master works feverishly to produce the required pressure and the
locomotive gains vital speed. Wheels sparking, the train thunders off
into the night.
The first light of dawn sees the commandeered 'Special' still gamely
pursuing the Emin Pasha's train. However, the supply of coal has
expired. With a gesture of disgust, Watson tosses the last piece into
the fire box. Grimacing in despair, Holmes admits defeat; Miss
Deveraux is forfeit. But then!. His eyes fall on the single carriage,
an axe conveniently affixed to its front. Clambering over the tender,
Holmes takes up the axe and, entering the carriage, sets to work
procuring fuel for the fire, much to the dismay of the Station Master
and the Engineer. Enthusiastically, the Doctors take up tools and
begin helping to destroy the carriage. Realising there is no saving
it, the Station Master sends the Engineer back to his controls and
goes to help. An over-enthusiastic Watson knocks several planks clear
onto the track, to be chastised by Doctor Freud. The train begins to
regain rapidity and momentum, Doctor Watson now on the roof knocking
it through, Doctor Freud beneath and Holmes passing the precious wood
to the Station Master.
The Station Master points out a train running on a converging set of
tracks. 'Berger! Berger! You're a Wizard!.*' Exclaims Holmes,
jubilant. They are right behind them, with no more points to switch.
Calling for all the steam available, Holmes observes they must catch
them before they cross the Danube. Inexorably, the two trains are
drawn together by the convention of the rails, the Pasha's train
ahead by perhaps a carriage-length. Both trains blow their whistles,
which alerts the Baron Von Liensdorf, who steps out onto the back
porch to investigate, locking with Holmes for a moment before he
darts back into the carriage. A trains length ahead, the Pasha's
train races ahead, Holmes' train closing. As both trains flash past a
signal box, the signal-man hurriedly changes the points and
winds the telephone to call ahead. Crossing a viaduct into the border
with Hungary, the barriers drop behind the Potentate's train, to the
alarm of the Station-Master. Resolute, Holmes orders the Engineer to
ram them. Whistle shrieking in warning, the 'Orient Express Special'
smashes the barrier into matchwood, the border guards shrinking back
from the juggernaut. Watson cries out an enthusiastic, if insincere
'Sorry!' as the guards regain their wits and begin firing, one
particular optimistic soul running after the train waving a red flag.
(*One assumes Holmes uses 'Berger' in the proper sense, as German for
'Citizen' rather than the man's name.)
If the Emin Pasha's train has lost none of it's pace, neither has the
following; the two trains fly across an iron bridge one after the
other. The Baron re-appears brandishing a revolver, Holmes ducking
back inside the cab just as the bullet crashes through the
windscreen. Foolishly, the Station Master cannot resist a peek at the
Baron, receiving the next bullet to the arm. Doctors Watson and Freud
attend the wounded man. Doubtless the fiend is ensuring his cargo
arrives as promised. Urgently, Holmes asks how they can gain more
speed. The injured Station Master responds; 'Release what we're
pulling.' Holmes does just this, uncoupling the threadbare carriage
with a wave. Meanwhile, the Baron, it would seem, has a similar idea,
ordering two of the Pasha's turks to release the trailer wagon.
Seeing the danger, Watson calls to Holmes, who comes to see for
himself. Ordering Fritz (The group is evidently on friendly terms
with the Engineer by this stage.) to operate the brake, they brace
for the impact, which is much reduced by both deceleration and the
spring-loaded buffers in use on both wagon and locomotive.
Exuberant, Holmes reports that the Pasha has made a fatal mistake, he
needs as much speed as possible and Watson's service revolver. Freud
asks what will he do? - he answers 'What I can.' Climbing out, he
traverses the ironwork towards the front of the locomotive, an
oncoming train hooting in greeting and, doubtless warning against
such foolhardiness. Yelling back to his companions, he calls for more
Finally at the smoke box door, Holmes leaps onto the Pasha's
discarded wagon. Precariously, he picks his way along the Pasha's
luggage under its tarpaulin, watched by Freud, Fritz and Watson. The
distance is too far; he cannot bridge the gap. 'Closer!' is his cry.
Fritz lays on all the speed his engine has and Holmes leaps across
the gap, drawing the revolver. The locked door is unlocked by a
bullet and he has gained entry, to find the Baron trying to load a
pistol from the sumptuously-furnished carriage, ornate panelwork
along either side laden with weapons of all kinds; katar
push-daggers from India vying for space with fowling pieces and
With a wave of his pistol barrel, Holmes commands the Baron away from
his revolver. Arrogantly, the Prussian remarks Holmes is very brave
with a revolver; is he so confident with a sabre?. Taking two such
weapons from their mounts, he offers to fight for Miss Deveraux,
tossing one to try to catch Holmes off-guard. Thus, the duel begins.
It is clear from the outset the Baron learnt well when he earned his
duelling scar. Holmes is clearly out of his depth in a swordfight
with an experienced blade, slashing wildly then losing his own when
it sticks in a chair held as a shield by the Baron. Snatching up
another sabre, Holmes resumes the fray, parrying and thrusting, but
suddenly the train hurtles into a tunnel, plunging the carriage into
darkness. As it exits, both combatants abandon the field, rather
sensibly leaving the carriage, each man now hanging on to the roof
Once on the roof, the duellists re-engage. Holmes proves himself an
honourable man; he still retains his revolver in his left hand and
could easily shoot the Baron to settle affairs. Not Holmes! -
heroically he exchanges blows, swords clashing with the ring of steel
as from some devilish blacksmith's shop. Battle continues along the
roof, the Baron's skill inevitably forcing Holmes onto the defensive.
Doctor Freud, however, has decided to investigate, going forward
himself, as the Fräulein
may need him. Watson makes to go after him, but Freud insists his
wounded leg will not bear it. Following Sherlock's steps, the
Viennese Doctor makes his way to the wagon and then onto the porch of
the Pasha's train. He bursts into the rear carriage with a shout, but
of course it is empty.
The unusual convoy passes through a station as Freud selects an
Arabian musket as his weapon. Cocking the antique, he goes forward
A slash from the Baron's sabre, meanwhile has wounded Holmes in the
hand, forcing him to drop Watson's revolver. His effort to recover it
foiled by the sabre thrust into the roof between his fingers, Holmes
stands, helpless as the Baron reveals that, unlike Sherlock Holmes,
he has no honour; he draws a revolver and pulls the trigger.
Nothing – the weapon is unloaded. Holmes recovers the service
revolver and has the wicked scoundrel at his mercy. Facing forwards,
the Baron can see what Holmes cannot, namely that the train is fast
approaching a low brick-work bridge. From his vantage point behind,
Watson shouts to Holmes to shoot. Holmes cannot, it simply is not in
his blood to commit cold-blooded murder. The Baron ducks, at which
Holmes turns to see a certain death rushing towards him. Ducking
down, Holmes cheats fate by inches. Once through the tunnel, the
fight resumes, even prone the two hack and slash at each other.
In the forward carriage the Pasha's Harem scream in terror as a
wild-eyed Freud bursts in, musket aimed at the Emin Pasha, who stands
there resplendent in formal attire, a dagger at his waist. His
bodyguard stand, their daggers poised to strike the Doctor down. Two
more men stand behind the Pasha, also armed.
Dr. Freud – 'Stop!'
The Emin Pasha – (Snarls) 'Throw it down, infidel!.'
'They will die to reach you!.'
Dr. Freud – 'Not before you do!.'
'I do not believe in this manner of solving
problems, but you leave me no choice. Call them off.'
Emin Pasha – (Snarling) 'You haven't the nerve!.'
Dr. Freud – (Triumphant) 'I'm finding it.'
The Pasha, sweating, gives the word and his men throw down their
knives. A whimper from beside the Doctor is revealed to come from
Miss Deveraux, who is clearly drugged.
As Doctor Freud removes the
chiffon veil covering her, one of the wily turks grabs a dagger to
lung at Freud, who fires the musket, killing the man. Smiling, he
pulls a revolver from his waistband and covers the remaining cohort.
The train takes another viaduct, across a picturesque river. Any
locals watching could be forgiven for wondering why two men stand on
the rear carriage engaged in mortal combat. The Baron has a few
tricks up his sleeve yet; turning into Holmes sword, he uses his left
arm to check Holmes at the wrist, he continues to twist at the waist,
to drive his elbow hard into the detective. This unexpected move
sends Sherlock toppling over the side, clutching at the roof rail
with his free hand he uses his sword to fend off the murderous attack
that follows.
Standing on Holmes blade to trap it, the Baron is unbalanced when
Holmes twists it. The villain then leaps across to the rear
carriage*, hotly pursued by Holmes. The two men circle each
other**. As Doctor Watson looks on, helpless to intervene, Holmes is
backed towards the end of the carriage. Watson calls for more wood,
the Station Master obliging. Despite the hindrance of his leg, Watson
goes to his friend's aid, clambering along the locomotive as Holmes
teeters on the brink. Abruptly, the Baron disarms Holmes with a
circular sweep, sending his blade high into the air to land on the
covered Wagon. There is nothing for it, but to leap after the sabre,
the Baron jumping down after to press his attack. 'No backhand,
Holmes!, no backhand!' Watson calls this to Holmes with a gesture as
if playing tennis. Reminded of the Baron's deficiency, Holmes
re-enters the fray,
forcing the Baron into a backhand stance from which he makes a wild,
hopelessly high swing of his sabre. Holmes drives his own blade
through the cad, who is done for. Watson congratulates Holmes on his
victory. (*This is a continuity error; they were already on
the rear carriage. **This is an assumption; if wrong this marks a
second error of continuity following the first.)
At Doctor Freud's home once more, the Doctor tells a bandaged Holmes
life will seem very quiet after his departure. Holmes is sure they
will meet again. Sincerely, he tells Freud that his therapy has saved
him from addiction. Beyond that, his judgement saved his life – his
and Watson's. Placing his good hand on his companion's shoulder, he
avers that there will be a lifetime to repay the debt... what can he
do for Doctor Freud?. The Doctor asks to hypnotise Holmes one last
time. But he is cured!. Freud explains there is a part of his mind to
which he would also like to say farewell. Soon, Sherlock Holmes is
under hypnosis. Doctor Freud asks when he started using cocaine, he
answers when he was twenty. In the university. Why?. The boy climbs
the stair in Holmes' mind. He tells Freud he was unhappy. Why did he
become a detective?; to punish the wicked and see justice done.
Watson watches silently as the session continues.
Dr. Freud – 'Have you ever known wickedness personally?.'
(The boy climbs the stair and we can see a
resemblance to a young Holmes.)
'Have you?.'
Holmes - (A tear running down his face) 'Yes.'
Dr. Freud – 'What was this wickedness?.'
(The boy reaches the top of the stairs and
looks into a bedroom where a couple writhe
in ecstasy on the bed. One is Holmes' mother.)
Holmes – 'My mother deceived my father.'
Dr Freud – 'She had a lover?.'
(Holmes sees the pair embracing.)
Holmes - (Hesitant) 'Yes.'
Dr. Freud – 'And what was the injustice?.'
'What was the injustice?.'
(We see the young Holmes face turn as his
father, Squire Holmes dashes into the room.
Holmes' Mother shouts 'No!' twice.)
Holmes – He shot her.
Holmes revisits his Mother's murder by his father, who killed her
with a shotgun, leaving the young Sherlock spattered with her blood.
With the magnitude of this revelation, Doctor Freud leans back, hand
over his mouth as he considers the effect such a trauma must have had
on the young boy. Watson rises to his feet, his expression grim.
Eventually, Freud returns to his patient to enquire about the lover.
What became of him? - He fled, answers the recumbent Holmes. Who was
he?. Doctor Freud must ask the question twice, before Holmes answers,
gripped by the spectre of his forgotten past. Covering himself with
the now bloodied sheets, the face of Holmes' tutor, Professor
Moriarty is revealed, the young Holmes recoiling in horror. Freud
need not look to Watson; the association is now clear to both men.
Doctor Freud instructs his patient to sleep and remember nothing.
Disgusted at the suffering his friend endured as a child, Watson
utters; 'The Napoleon of crime. Holmes was right about him from the
very beginning.'
Enmeshing his fingers, Doctor Freud brings his patient's case to a
resolution; we understand not only the origin of his addiction, the
hatred of Professor Moriarty, but also his suspicion of Women and his
choice of profession – detector of wickedness, punisher of
injustice. Generously, Watson claps his back, declaring Freud the
greatest detective of them all. Doctor Freud explains he is a
physician whose province is the troubled mind, by borrowing some of
Holmes' techniques he applied them to the man himself. Freud reminds
Watson of their discussion of the Un-Conscious, Holmes led him there.
But how?. Freud refers to the English playwright Holmes deduced he
was so fond of reading; 'We are such stuff as dreams are made on.'
The Doctor awakens his patient, who only has the dimmest recollection
of being asked some questions. Kindly, Doctor Freud tells him he did
not reveal anything interesting. They must hurry as their train
leaves in under an hour and Mrs. Freud wishes to say farewell –
also their son on whom Holmes has made a distinct impression. Indeed,
the Junior Freud wishes to study the violin. The Doctor makes Holmes
a gift of his Uncles' violin as souvenir of his time in Vienna.
Holmes is literally struck dumb by this altruistic act.
Taking their carriage to the station, Watson wonders what will become
of Miss Deveraux. Petting Toby, the Bloodhound, Holmes observes women
are like cats, invariably landing on their feet. Watson feels this
unfair; she has been through a great deal, but Holmes responds; 'And
not so much as thanked us, from saving her from a deal worse, to say
nothing of enquiring after any hurts we may have suffered in her
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Friends forever: Holmes bids Watson farewell. |
At the Nussdorf paddle steamer embarkation point, Watson reveals he
has a theory about Miss Deveraux, based on study of Doctor Freud's
techniques. No woman of her calibre – a lady – would descend to a
life of shame without valid cause. Perceptive as ever, Watson remarks
that the paddle steamer is not a train. Holmes agrees, with a smile.
But they are going to return to London?. Watson is, Holmes is not,
for the time being. Requiring some time alone, he is taking a
holiday. He asks his friend to inform Mycroft of this and to tell
Mrs. Hudson not to touch his rooms. Watson clearly fears relapse, but
Holmes re-assures him he merely needs to complete his recovery.
Offering his regards to Mrs. Watson, he pets Toby and boards. As the
engines start up, Watson asks how he will live – he calls back when
his arm has recovered to follow the career of a concert violinist
named 'Sigerson'. And what shall he tell his readers? - 'Anything you
like' comes the reply, with the supplemental 'Tell them I was
murdered by my mathematics tutor.*' The two staunch friends wave each
other good-bye and the boat pulls out into the Danube.
(*Which is, of course, exactly what Watson did, in 'The final
The End?
Not quite; there is one final surprise. A crewman shows Holmes to a
comfortable seat and he sits back, looking across to the passenger
next to him then relaxing. Opening his eyes again, he looks back in
disbelief – it is none other than Miss Deveraux!. Giving Holmes a
long, lingering look that speaks of love, gratitude and uncertainty,
she asks if he is surprised. Sherlock confesses that he is. He was
not aware she was bound for Budapest, or contemplating going abroad.
It is an odd co-incidence, but she is not sorry for it.
Marvelling at
this extraordinary woman, Holmes' thoughts are plain from his face.
Journeys alone are so tedious, she remarks, especially when they are
long. Will this be a long journey? Asks Holmes – that all depends,
but she does think it will seem shorter, if there are the two of
them. Clearly won over, Sherlock Holmes reply is; 'I hope it will not
seem too short.' The boat continues on its way down the mighty and
beautiful river.
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Relaxing between takes. |
So, that is the film; at 11,552 words that has to be my longest
description of any. I doubt many of you will read it. I hope you do –
or better yet, find a copy of this remarkable – no, singular
film. Nicholas Meyer wrote the screenplay along the lines of his best-selling book of the same name. Yet to read the book, I have read that the film follows
fairly closely in its premise, but added the Emin Pasha character,
the hypnotic revelations at the end of the film were also added, as
was Miss Deveraux appearing on the paddle steamer. Further, Holmes'
character was altered for the production, being more amenable to the
female sex than usual. Sigmund Freud never had a son – his Daughter
– still alive at the time of production - refused to be
fictionalised. All of which brings us to the vexed question; is it a
'good' Sherlock Holmes film?.
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Redgrave, Duvall, Williamson and Arkin pose aboard the Pasha's train set. |
Yes, very much so; Nicol Williamson is magnificent, easily the match
of all, but Brett and not far from his (highly - distinguished) heels
at that. His performance in Excalibur first alerted me to his
talent, he stole that film with consummate skill mixed with sheer
talent. Williamson portrays the Detective as flawed and human,
susceptible to vice and damaged from his addiction. A rare talent.
The actress playing the ill-fated Mrs. Holmes, Jill Townsend was
Williamson's wife at the time of production. Casting Robert Duvall as
Watson was, apparently a 'conscious revolt' against the bumbling,
stumbling characterisation of actors such as Nigel Bruce. Sadly, his
British accent is atrocious – it makes Dick van Dyke sound
authentic, making it hard to take the character seriously. He sounds
like he's trying to retain a suppository after a coughing fit. In all
other respects he plays the perfect Watson – the intelligent,
staunch and brave friend we knew from the Doyle originals. Alan
Arkin's Freud is inspired – perhaps the accent a touch heavy, but
close enough to be believable. He plays the Viennese Doctor with
aplomb in a great supporting role.
Olivier's Moriarty is watchable, but you wonder what the great man
would have done with the orthodox evil Professor. Had he played him
in earnest it might have been the role of the century!. Dear old
Charles Gray is wonderful as Mycroft Holmes – the role he reprised
later for the Jeremy Brett series. Jeremy Kemp is a thoroughly bad
baddie – unlikable, arrogant and an utter s**t; a nicely-handled
performance. Kemp later played Dr. Grimesby Roylott in the Brett
episode 'The Speckled Band.' Vanessa Redgrave's Lola Deveraux is
perhaps the only performance to match Williamson's. She shines
throughout, giving Williamson a credible woman for which his Sherlock
falls. Satirist John Bird makes an appearance as Berger, the
Station-Master. Joel Grey gives Lowenstein such a thoroughly nasty
sheen of slime that you might forget he is the very same that played
the Master of Ceremonies in Cabaret. Solid supporting acts all
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The actors in character for a publicity shot. |
Director Herbert Ross went on to make such films as California
Suite, Steel Magnolias and The Secret of My Success. Starting
as an actor-choreographer, his record of stage and screen hits is
enviable. He does a fine job keeping this film on the rails, as it
were, but the pace will seem slow to modern viewers. Further, the
over-statement of plot points gets tedious – especially Freud
telling us what we already know. The production, however, is
first-rate – with James Bond designer Ken Adam on board this
won't be too much of a shock.
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Ken Adam's set designs bring Victorian life to the screen so flawlessly, the viewer is to be forgiven for not noticing there is any set design. |
The sets are High Victorian Heaven –
Freud's office and the living room of 221b simply shout 'Sherlock
Holmes!.' None other than Stephen Sondheim wrote 'The Madame's Song.'
Clearly, the actors do a fair share of their own stunt-work – you
can see the professionals at work if you look carefully during the
train fight sequence.
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An alternative poster. |
Nor are there enough goofs for a separate
section; apart from a few continuity errors all that remains is
during the Lipizzaner attack, the handlers, clearly visible
and dressed in black holding thin wires, presumably to steer the
horses and stop them in emergency. Obviously a difficult, dangerous
sequence to film this hardly qualifies as an error. If you look
closely, as Freud and Watson take to the tennis court a movie light
is just visible behind a gap in the construction of the court.
Cocaine is not physically addictive; the horrors suffered by Holmes
do not reflect reality. It is, however, highly habit-forming,
although physical withdrawal is not the awful process endured by
addicts to, say, Heroin. I have some niggles with this film despite
my admiration for it. I confess – and apologise now, that I have
not the character to let trivialities lie; I cannot believe that a
mind of Holmes' order would have allowed Miss Deveraux to remain
undefended – surely Watson could have been spared his
limp-about-Vienna to guard her whilst he and Freud pursued
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The film received just two Oscar nominations (Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay and Best Costume Design.) |
Locations for the film include the Reform Club, Pall Mall, standing
in for the Diogenes Club. The arena where Holmes and co. are nearly
murdered by horse is The Winter Riding School of the World-famous
Spanish riding School of Vienna. I once had the great privilege of
seeing the Lipizzaner horses at the stables in Yugoslavia and have
never forgotten those beautiful creatures and their fantastic
abilities. The Real Tennis court at Queen's club hosted the tennis
duel. The train sequences were shot on the Severn Valley Railway,
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The French poster. |
So – often described as 'pastiche', this film is nothing of the
sort. A witty, well-written and enjoyable film which suffers only
from a slow pace – a failing that I can easily overlook. Fans of
Sherlock Holmes – Sherlockians (Agh!) will love it. Finally – the
score. We award The Seven Percent Solution;
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